Character Ranking

Top 20 Characters on Karls Ragnarok Online Server

Rank Character Name Job Class Guild Name Base Level Job Level Base Experience Job Experience
1 Shuchou Knight Crimson Nightmare 97 50 36,695,944 12,032,530
2 Chaser Hunter Order of the Flame 96 50 22,042,508 119,822,818
3 Arya Priest Order of the Flame 95 50 108,630 27,996,155
4 Ralph Hunter Order of the Flame 94 50 9,617,159 41,605,578
5 Sracka Sage Midgard Destroyers 85 50 1,691,965 15,354,644
6 Broad Hunter Order of the Flame 84 50 171,003 14,240,320
7 Leina Priest Order of the Flame 83 50 715,200 11,083,316
8 Naoto Priest Order of the Flame 83 50 517,424 7,670,542
9 Puppy Hunter Crimson Nightmare 83 50 401,339 655,140
10 Erwin Wizard None 83 50 110,555 5,570,989
11 Darkar Hunter Order of the Flame 82 50 183,817 5,990,851
12 Supremo Kaiosama Priest Order of the Flame 82 50 163,951 3,299,726
13 SeoHyun Hunter None 81 50 1,984,587 3,840,980
14 Walter White Alchemist Order of the Flame 81 40 1,234,227 349,043
15 gypsy Hunter None 80 50 1,893,778 3,536,699
16 Pollen Monk None 78 47 2,237,232 1,156,889
17 champion Priest None 78 48 1,600,488 760,997
18 Lede Dancer None 77 45 1,189,954 1,013,828
19 Paulmaxsurge Sage None 77 46 833,064 1,108,195
20 Teto Alchemist None 77 46 318,213 152,842

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